
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors is unavailable, but you can change that!

Building on the belief that the task of exegesis is to understand the divine-human intention locked within the biblical text, Gordon Fee provides a lucid step-by-step analysis of exegetical procedures that has made New Testament Exegesis a standard textbook for nearly two decades. Now more than ever, with an updated, newly integrated bibliography and an appendix directly addressing...

text and the people to whom that Word is now to be spoken again, as a living Word for them. The question is, where to begin. The obvious starting place, of course, is with the choice of text. But what guides that choice? Two things, basically. Either (1) you are working your way through the biblical text and recognize the need to apply a given passage to your congregation, or (2) you recognize a certain need among the people and come to the Bible looking for a word that will address that need. The
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